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About the International Performance Budgeting Database

Welcome to the OECD International Database of Performance Budgeting which contains the results of the 2011 OECD survey of Performance Budgeting in OECD countries. The database provides budget practitioners, academics and civil society with a unique and comprehensive source on the types of performance information and instruments employed throughout the budgeting process, and to ascertain how specifically this information is being used in budgetary decision-making. The database also maps out key stakeholders involved in generating and utilising performance information in budget negotiations, as well as describes some of the main challenges faced in implanting performance budgeting procedures (e.g. poor quality data, unintended consequences or impact on performance measurement and management, etc.) from across the 34 OECD member countries as well as the Russian Federation. The information held in the database is made available free of charge. However, the data are protected by copyright and we request that you be sure to cite the OECD as the source (OECD International Database of Performance Budgeting).

Contact: the dataset is maintained by the Public Management and Budgeting (PMB) division. Please send questions or comments to:

About its questionnaire

The content of the database was collected using an online questionnaire and glossary was also provided. The Budgeting and P ublic Expenditures Division of the OECD conducted this survey on Performance Budgeting in 2011. The OECD country responses were collected between January and August 2012 and verified at the annual meeting of the OECD Working Party of Senior Budget Officials, held in June 2012. Along with OECD publication that analyses the content of the database with respect to the OECD data collected, the OECD has conducted extensive quality control of the responses in order to ensure consistency and reliability. Based on in-depth dialogue with member countries, a number of responses have been changed and are now available on line.