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About the Policy evaluation dataset

Welcome to the OECD Policy evaluation data set. This web page offers access to the database with the results of the 2018 OECD Survey of Policy evaluation. The survey with a unique resource on improving governance with policy evalaution in OECD countries. More specifically, it provides an initial stock-taking of the institutionalisation, quality and use of policy evaluation, focusing on areas such as the main drivers for institutionalisation, the legal and policy framework, the key actors, and the mechanisms developed by countries to promote quality and use. The data is presented and discussed in the OECD report: Improving Governance with Policy Evaluation : Lessons From Country Experiences.

This database is made available free of charge. However, data is protected by copyright and we kindly request that you cite the OECD as the source when using this data (OECD Survey onPolicy evaluation, 2018). To help us better track use of this database, we would appreciate receiving electronic copies of any papers that cite the data set (Ciara Muller, Communication Coordinator).

About this questionnaire

The content of the database was collected using a questionnaire distributed through the OECD Public Governance Committee. A glossary and interactions with the OECD secretariat team were available to ensure consistency and quality control throughout the datacollection process for this first groundbreaking cross country survey. The countries surveyed include mainly a set of OECD countries, plus a range of selected partner countries which are involved in the OECD public governance community.The questionnaire was developed following close consultation with country representatives and experts. The data collection was initiated in 2018 and closed in mid 2019. A set of interactions took place with countries over 2019-20 to ensure quality control and consistency of the results, which should reflect any change in place by mid 2019.

The survey covers the following items:

A. Institutionalisation of Policy Evaluation
  • Definition
  • Legal and policy framework
  • Main actors and their institutional anchorage, mandate, resources and capacities
  • Guidelines
  • Objectives and challenges
  • Quality of evaluations
  • Use of evaluations
B. Evaluation of government-wide policy priorities
  • Key features
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Reporting

The content of the database reflects national experts’ assessment of current practices and procedures followed by extensive quality control by the Secretariat n order to ensure consistency and reliability. Based on in-depth dialogue with member countries, a number of responses were adjusted. In case of remarks or questions related to the answers in the database, please contact Stephane Jacobzone, Ivan Stola or Claire Salama.

Results were presented at an expert meeting on the Institutionalisation, Quality & Use of Policy Evaluation on 12-13 September 2019.

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