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About the Parliamentary Budgeting Pratices Database

Welcome to the OECD Parliamentary Budgeting Pratices database. The database provides a unique set of information on national parliamentary budgeting practices from 34 OECD member countries.1

This database is made available free of charge. However, data is protected by copyright and we kindly request that you cite the OECD as the source when using this data (OECD International Database of Parliamentary Budgeting Pratices, 2018).

Contact: the dataset is maintained by the Public Management and Budgeting (PMB) division. Please send questions or comments to:

About this questionnaire

Data was collected in the first half of 2018 using an online questionnaire, the Survey on Parliamentary Budgeting Practices, sent via the OECD Network of Parliamentary Budget Officials and Independent Fiscal Institutions (PBO Network). This is the second edition of the survey; a first survey was carried out in 2012.

The 2018 dataset covers the following topics:

1. Fiscal Responsibility and Sustainability (pre-budget debate, MTBF, long-term sustainability analysis)
2. Bicameralism and the role of the Upper House in budget oversight
3. Committee work and powers
4. Analytical support available to parliament/parliamentarians
5. Audit
6. Public participation

1Data for Mexico are not available. At the time of data collection Lithuania was not an OECD member.